Fall is a busy time of year in a farming community such as Rush. Here are 3 opportunities to meet up with neighbors.
October 1st – Fall Festival
We hope you will come out to see the Rush Historical Society booth at the Fall Festival on Saturday, October 1 from 9 am – 4 pm. We will have the photos on display from “A Day in the Life of Rush.” The festival event is hosted by the Town Recreation Department at the Firemen’s Field and begins with a pancake breakfast at 8 am and ends with hot air balloon tether rides from 4 pm – 6 pm (weather permitting) at the Rush Park soccer field.
October 10th
9:30 am - Indigenous Peoples' Day Celebration
There will be a program at the William Udicious Pavilion. Below is a copy of an email that went out to residents. We are helping to publicize this event.
Dear Rush Citizens,
You are invited to the 3rd annual Indigenous Peoples’ Day Celebration at the Rush Pavilion. See details below.
Third Annual Indigenous Peoples’ Day Celebration!
Monday, October 10th, 2022, 9:30-11:00am,
Udicious Pavilion in the Town of Rush’s complex at the intersection of Rte. 251 and Rte. 15A.
Join us for this educational event: The “Words That Come Before All Else,” the Seneca Creation Story, Seneca life along the Genesee River before European colonization and exploitation, the Seneca “seven generations” responsibility, and the Indigenous land use practices that resulted in the magnificent Genesee Oaks and Rush’s Oak Openings.
All are welcome!
October 10th
7:00 pm - Rush Historical Society Board Meeting
We invite Rush residents, and especially our members, to attend a Rush Historical Society meeting. This is a planning meeting for the upcoming year. This will take place the Board Room at the Town Hall. This is a nice opportunity to meet your neighbors interested in Rush history. We will ask for your input as we plan the December tree lighting and March annual meeting. This will be another opportunity to see the photo display from “A Day in the Life of Rush.”