January 29 & 30, 2022
The decision has been made to cancel the event due to the COVID surge and town recommendation that all events be virtual.
We hope to be able to hold this event in the future.
The Friends of the Rush Library & the Rush Historical Society are holding a Community Quilt Show on the weekend of January 29 & 30 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM! Admission will be $5.00, and kids under age 18 are free. It will be held in the William Udicious Pavilion, located behind the Rush Town Hall. This is intended to showcase the wonderful artistic talents of our Rush residents and support these two non-profit groups. For more information on how to enter pick up a packet at the Rush Library. Questions? Call Kirsten Flass at the Library (533-1370) or Town Historian, Sue Mee (533-1312.) We hope to see you there!
Quilters: registration forms are available now at the library.
Follow this link to the Rush Public Library website to download Quilters registration forms. https://www.rushlibrary.org/
If you have a quilt or other items you would like to donate for our raffle, see Kirsten Flass at the Library.